If you’re reading this, you may be considering having the NovaSure endometrial ablation done, or you may have already had it done. If you have, then I sincerely hope it went well for you. If you have not and are thinking about it, please read this and make an informed decision about it before going forward with it. I can understand a mistake, or a 'oopsie' once in a while, and there are risks associated with any medical procedure. However, once I saw the number of injuries as a direct result of this NovaSure endometrial ablation device, I just couldn't let it go. Not to mention, the suffering I personally went through, the horrible scar and the ongoing issues/pain that I still have to this day. There needs to be some form of retribution made to me, and I certainly hope to anybody out there that was injured from this device.
I had the NovaSure procedure done for heavy bleeding, in September ’05, and I am still suffering residual effects from the injury sustained as a result of the NovaSure product. All seemed to go well during the procedure, then the following night I had the most excruciating pain imaginable. I called the OB (no longer my doctor) , she immediately said “it has nothing to do with what we did yesterday”. But she said, if I felt I needed to go in to ER, then go. Oh, she also said “it’s probably gas”… funny one. Basically, I felt I was bothering her. I had no choice but to go to ER, it was awful. I was begging my husband to just shoot me. I’d rather go thru days of hard labor pains than what I was dealing with then.
It turned out that the tool had burned my uterus and then burned my bowel, perforating it. This caused sepsis/peritonitis, which can be deadly. They did “emergency” surgery… about 14 hours later. All the while I was still in terrible, awful pain and asking my husband to just shoot me, kill me, whatever. I was then in the hospital for 13 days, 7 of them spent in ICU not knowing if I was going to make it or not. I had congestive heart failure (I was 43 at the time), needed blood transfusions, blood pressure was anything but stable the entire time, my organs were not doing well, etc… of course, according to the OB doctor, Sharon Washington, I was the picture of health. Almost everything she wrote in the medical records contradicted what was actually happening to me physically. Talk about CYA!
Had I known the number of injuries this device has caused, I never would have had the NovaSure procedure done. I would have researched other methods – had I been informed of other methods. The doctor (she is no longer my OB) only mentioned NovaSure. It appears this device is marketed very well. After deciding to go with the ablation, I was sent home with an educational video about the product. It was just a marketing tool, and I was gullible.
My purpose for sharing this info is that I’m hoping anybody considering having the NovaSure ablation done, will at least be able to make an informed decision based on some of my research and my horrible experience. Just don’t assume (like I did) that medical products and devices are safe and have been thoroughly tested, and that doctors are well trained in using them. The FDA has a link to information listing all “adverse events” related to devices, here it is: http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfMAUDE/search.CFM Type the word NOVASURE in the ‘brand name’ field and modify the date range. It goes back thru March of ’03.
If you’re wondering if I have a lawsuit against all involved with this “adverse event”, I do. Although, apparently Cytyc is protected by some law as the device was approved by the FDA and is considered a Level 3 device. So patients that are seriously injured cannot sue them for compensation for their injuries and horrible experience. My guess is the families of the women that died cannot sue Cytyc either, due to this law, although I do not know that for sure. It’s a shame. I have never been involved in a lawsuit, ever. I feel there are many frivolous lawsuits from people simply trying to hit the “lotto” by suing . This, however, is warranted. I have a huge scar on my abdomen (up and down), still suffer from pain on the left side of my stomach – daily. Was put thru hell while in the hospital and during recovery, and I have a morbid fear of infections considering it was sepsis that almost killed me.
Cytyc’s only defense is this law, that they are protected and I, nor a judge can override this law. So basically, “sorry, but you can’t touch us”. I incurred medical bills due to this, was off of work for 3 months, and just the trauma of almost dying, does, in fact, deserve some form of compensation. They are not at all concerned with the fact that women are being injured regularly with this device. They are well aware of the injuries. In fact, on 6/9/06, Cytyc themselves uploaded appx. 19 “adverse events” all on the same day, which I thought was odd. Some of them were a few years old, yet they are supposed to report injuries within 30 days from the date they are aware of them. Seems somebody wasn’t doing their job, or they just didn’t want the additional adverse events to be public. Obviously they’re not playing by FDA’s rules.
Cytyc claim that the FDA’s approval process is “a rigorous one”. They indicate, “on average, the FDA spends more than 2800 hours reviewing each PMA over the course of one year.” Not quite sure how true that is when you consider the last paragraphs in the PMA (P010013) for this device… here they are:
“The pre-clinical and clinical data provide reasonable assurance that the NovaSure System is safe and effective when used in accordance with the directions for use.”
“Pursuant to the provision if Section 515(c)(2) of the Federal, Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act(FD&Cact) as amended by the Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990, this PMA application was not referred to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Devices Panel, an FDA Advisory Panel Committee, for review and recommendation. FDA believes that previous panel reviews of related endometrial ablation devices provided sufficient guidance for the review of this PMA.”
Hmmmm, doesn’t sound like they spent an average of 2800 hours reviewing this device to me. Also, Cytyc tested a whopping 175 women in their studies and testing phase before this tool was approved. Doesn’t sound like much testing, granted I am not an expert on the making of medical devices.
I have previously had 2 ‘low-segment’ c-sections – in the PMA contraindications it mentions nothing about not being a good candidate if you’ve had low-segment c-sections. Although, if you’ve had the “up/down “ c-section, you’re not a viable candidate for this procedure. Why? Because your uterus would be compromised and susceptible to injury. So, what’s the difference, a c-section is a c-section, any previous surgery would compromise the integrity of the uterus. Although, if they were to exclude women that have had the low-segment c-section, that wouldn’t leave much of a market for them as c-sections are so common now and they no longer perform the “up-down” c-sections. Just more potential patients for their tool.
Basically, I went in for this procedure to treat very heavy bleeding. I was whole and intact when I went in for this “90 second” procedure. I came out with a thermal injury to my uterus and a perforated bowel, which then caused a very, very deadly condition called sepsis. This has happened to many other women, not just me. The company knows this and they are doing NOTHING to ensure the safety, nor are they accepting responsibility and being accountable for almost killing me. It may have been a combination of the device and the doctor, maybe the doctor was not trained enough and along with an unstable (self automated thermal tool), you end up… almost dead. But when you look at the history and high number of injuries, I think the company needs to step up to the plate and do something about it. Right now they are being morally unethical. I did write a letter to the CEO of Cytyc, it does provide more details and if you’d like to read it, please let me know. Did I get any response from Cytyc? I did receive a call from them, of course, not accepting responsibility, just to call and discuss it. Then they filed court documents to dismiss the lawsuit based on the fact that this pre-emptive law protects them. So, who protects the patients? Why should they be concerned with injuries and deaths of women as long as they’re protected? Real nice ethical way to do business… it makes me sick, it’s all about the money and marketing the products to keep the money coming in, not about the safety of the people being treated with the devices.
If you do decide to go with this product, I truly wish you the best for a good outcome. I wouldn’t wish what I went through on anybody. If you would like more info based on the research I have done and would like to contact me, you can email me at: novasure_justsayno@comcast.net I can provide a copy of the letter I had written to the company. I can also provide the wonderful picture of my disgusting stomach post emergency surgery, all necessary from a “90 second” procedure, and provide any paper work, research info, whatever I have that may help you decide. If you have had this done, with a bad outcome, I’d love to hear from you as well.
Thank you and good luck!!!
Monday, April 30, 2007
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1 – 200 of 305 Newer› Newest»Sorry to hear about your experience. I too had a bad experience. I had the same procedure in my doctor's office in Jan. 09. Within 12 hours I was in the hospital with fevers spiking to 104 for four days. I spent 36 hours in observation as my doctor was phoned 3 times for permission to admit me. He refused every time and the emergency personel had to locate a much wiser doctor that admitted me. Within a few hours of that my gynocologist showed up and tried to release me still with fever close to 103. That did not go over well and I never saw him again. Now 10 months later with terrible pain and compliacations I will be having a hysterectomy in a few short weeks. I had absoloutely no pre op conseling. As a matter of fact my appointment was given to me on a post it note. That is all I got before surgery. I will be glad to have the pain over soon.
Good luck to you.
I had an endometrial ablation due to my period lasting for 4 months on February 5, 2010 and almost died. The doctor perforated my uterus and not realizing what she had done, filled my abdomon with saline solution. She then had to open me up to fix the hole in my uterus and I began to hemorrhage. It took 2 1/2 hours to stop the bleeding and fix the damage. Two days after surgery I was in the ED and was diagnosed with a Massive Saddle Pulmonary Embolism... thank god I am still alive as most people die within the first 48 hours. I am now taking coumadin (blood thinner) for the next year and possibly for the rest of my life. Was it worth it? Absolutely not!!!! The risks may be low, but if you have an inexperienced or negligent doctor this procedure could kill you!
I too had the Novasure procedure in 12/08. It was "highly" recommended by my GYN. I went in for the "90 sec" procedure, went home. The next day, the absolute worse pain ever! I am a single working Mom of an autistic child. HE HAD to call 911 for me. I ended up having emergency surgery. Due to the procedure, my uterus was perforated in (2) places, my small bowel was perforated. I too had sepsis and my organs were not functioning too well, especially my kidneys. I ended up with a total hysterectomy, including both ovaries, a small bowel resection and my appendix removed. I was in the hospital for 6 full days, my autistic son had a mental health meltdown and needed to be admitted to an out of town children's hospital. He then transferred to another treatment center for (5) months. I missed a full month of work. I would NOT recommend this to anyone. And YES, the company that makes the machine is protected from lawsuits. Between my unplanned surgery and my young son's mental health needs, our bills were over $200,000 all within 7 calendar days. Unbelievable and nothing can be done. Please don't do this procedure. I wish you all luck and take care.
Wow, that was my biggest fears when I had the Novasure in June 09. But what was not mentioned was all the long term complications. I made it through my procedure fine. But now a year later I developed abdominal pain, bowel problems etc. It took a series of tests to diagnose that I was not having any gastric problems and was finally told to monitor my diet. I kept a food journal and realized it was occurring on a monthly cycle.
I immediately scheduled an appt with a GYN... Come to find out, My uterus is sealed shut, but there is living tissue in the upper parts... It has now caused my tubes to blow (had tubal) and for 2 weeks of the month I am having retrograde menustruation in my abdomen... I am scheduled for a hysterectomy in 2 weeks, but I am fearful as to how extensive the damage caused by this is, retro menust. causes endometriosis...I could not find any information about long term complications until now. Everything I researched was about the short term, device failure and what appeared to be unskilled docs. I was never told of the risks of Post Ablation Tubal Sterilization Syndrome, which would have been the 2nd red flag for me...because I am one of the rare that has had a classic c-section. Which My doc assured me that was not a problem b/c the Novasure uses vacumn pressure vs. outward pressure. I guess I am lucky that I can prove negligence on the part of my doc, but I agree that Novasure is a device that needs to be recalled...
Do you even speak English? Seriously, wall of text crits me for 99999k.
Wow..... what a bunch of sour grapes!! I do Novasure endometrial ablations and have never had a serious complication. You guys make it sound like there is a frequent problem with complications. First, I bet you signed a consent form before you had the procedure performed. This outlines the risks and gives you an opportunity to ask questions if your not so ignorant to ignore the consent. Second, how many people sign a consent form before they buy a car, go swimming, ride a bicycle, etc.; and I bet the injury/death rate is far higher with these "evil" machines than with the ablation. Third, a c-section is not just a c-section. The classical c-section has an incision that extends from the lower part of the uterus all the way to the fundus. The low - transverse incision is down low and extends in a transverse direction. Google it and look at the difference. The novasure extends in the fundus, not the lower uterine segment, therefore increasing the the pressure in the area where the classical incision is, not the transverse incision. Therefore it increases the risk for that type of c/s. Fourth, the company has actually made many efforts to make this safe. If you review the history of endometrial ablation you will see that we have come a long way in making it more safe. It's not perfect, but neither are the other methods to treat excessive flow. Birth control pills can increase your risk of pulmonary embolism mentioned by one of the other ladies, IUD's also have the risk of endometrial perforation, and hysterectomy, has many risks. Fifth, patient satisfaction with this procedure is 90 to 95 percent.
Forty percent achieve amenorrhea (I wonder how your cycles are now). Sixth, from reading these comments I'm sorry you had negative outcomes. But there is the possibility of law suit against the physician that performed the procedure. After all, it wasn't the device without the doctor using it that caused your problem. Talk to an attorney and see if you have a case. If you don't then maybe you are bitter about your results and trying to make someone pay. Remember, it's not the bullet that harms someone, it's not even the gun; it's a human on the other end that somehow makes that thing fire.
I hope everyone of you are able to reach resolution.
Sincerely, DLB MD
Wow..... what a bunch of sour grapes!! I do Novasure endometrial ablations and have never had a serious complication. You guys make it sound like there is a frequent problem with complications. First, I bet you signed a consent form before you had the procedure performed. This outlines the risks and gives you an opportunity to ask questions if your not so ignorant to ignore the consent. Second, how many people sign a consent form before they buy a car, go swimming, ride a bicycle, etc.; and I bet the injury/death rate is far higher with these "evil" machines than with the ablation. Third, a c-section is not just a c-section. The classical c-section has an incision that extends from the lower part of the uterus all the way to the fundus. The low - transverse incision is down low and extends in a transverse direction. Google it and look at the difference. The novasure extends in the fundus, not the lower uterine segment, therefore increasing the the pressure in the area where the classical incision is, not the transverse incision. Therefore it increases the risk for that type of c/s. Fourth, the company has actually made many efforts to make this safe. If you review the history of endometrial ablation you will see that we have come a long way in making it more safe. It's not perfect, but neither are the other methods to treat excessive flow. Birth control pills can increase your risk of pulmonary embolism mentioned by one of the other ladies, IUD's also have the risk of endometrial perforation, and hysterectomy, has many risks. Fifth, patient satisfaction with this procedure is 90 to 95 percent.
Forty percent achieve amenorrhea (I wonder how your cycles are now). Sixth, from reading these comments I'm sorry you had negative outcomes. But there is the possibility of law suit against the physician that performed the procedure. After all, it wasn't the device without the doctor using it that caused your problem. Talk to an attorney and see if you have a case. If you don't then maybe you are bitter about your results and trying to make someone pay. Remember, it's not the bullet that harms someone, it's not even the gun; it's a human on the other end that somehow makes that thing fire.
I hope everyone of you are able to reach resolution.
Sincerely, DLB MD
First of all, I want to thank you for starting this blog. I also had a bad outcome with the NovaSure device in November, 2007. The device did not shut off at the appropriate time and I was left with and undetected perforated uterus and small bowel. By the time I went back to the ER 36 hours later I was septic and in unbelievable pain. After emergency surgery to perform a hysterectomy and bowel resection, I spent almost two weeks in the hospital I then had to have another emergency bowel resection two years later due to scar tissue from the first surgery. I cannot adequately explain the toll this has taken on my health, my family, my children and my finances. This "simple procedure" has left me with residual pain and organ damage. Another issue that worries me is the radiation exposure I received from all the CT scans I had to have.
If anyone reading this is contemplating this procedure, PLEASE think twice and research any other possible options that may be available to you. Although the complications may be fairly rare, when they do happen they are absolutely DEVASTATING. I would never recommend this procedure and fortunately it appears that more and more OB/GYN's are also refusing to do this.
And in response to DLB MD - - how incredibly insensitive can you be? To discount our pain and suffering, our loss of fertility, and our ongoing medical complications as a bunch of "sour grapes" is not only arrogant, but cruel. Shame on you.
For those of us who have suffered through this; let's hope that at some point Congress reverses the current pre-emption law, makes it retroactive and we all get our day in court.
In response to Beckyplus2 I just wonder if you drive
a car. Lot of suffering there too. I don't mean to be
insensitive but you cant come up with another
treatment option that doesn't have SIGNIFICANT
risks to "some" people. Hormones cause pulmonary
embolism and death. Hysterectomy is major surgery
with many risks. "Alternative care" such as natural
methods are not studied to the same degree that
FDA approved treatment is. And driving a car killed
my best friend. I'm pretty sensitive to that.
Remember, I bet you went to the doctor to be treated for what was an intolerable problem.
Doubtful the device company or physician came
looking for you. Remember, you probably signed
a consent that described the risks. And remember,
unfortunately negative outcomes happen occasionally in ALL areas of life, even the alternative
options you want everyone to consider. DLB
I had the thermal ablation done in Feb. 2010. My Doctor and his nurse told me my insurance company wanted this done before they would even consider a hysterectomy. I had 8 periods within a two month time frame. My hemoglobin was 8 and I could not get it up no matter how much iron I was taking. So this was a great thing I thought. I was handed a pamphlet on the procedure and its outcome. I did not know that I should have had a pelvic ultrasound to see what was going on inside. My doctor did do an exam and a biopsy. He said I was the perfect candidate for the procedure. So he scheduled my appointment to have the procedure done in his office. Guess what? One year later I was scheduled for a complete hysterectomy. I had the C-section with the incision from my belly button down. I also found out that I had an enlarged uterus and several huge fibroids and also endometriosis. This was picked up on the pelvic ultra sound I had done before my hysterectomy. I was not a good candidate and my OB GYN Dr. I had been seeing for several years, so he knew the history and had records of previous pelvic ultra sounds in earlier years showing the fibroids and the cervical caner and the endometriosis. I continued to bleed two and three times a month after the procedure. When ever I would call the Dr.'s office they assured me it would stop and called in scripts for provera to regulate the periods. It didnt work either. So finally when my hemaglobin dropped to 7.6 I decided it was time to consult another OB GYN. He confirmed that I needed a hysterectomy and we proceded with the tests that needed to be done. I was in surgery for three hours due to the fact that my stomach and bowel and kidneys were all attached to the uterus and all the scare tissue had to be removed. I also had severe pain and bleeding with intercourse for the entire year after the ablation was done. If I had known what I know now ( and I did research the procedure and found nothing but positive feed back) I would never recommend this to anyone!!!DLM
i am still going threw the nightmare right side pain since 06 had novasure nothing but pain i feel like im on fire urine that looks like pus no energy have to lay down all the time everyone brushes me off dont want to help tell me im depressed its all in my head i see im not alone i wish i would have never had the novasure i started coughing up blood right after i had it done for quite some time no tube was in my mouth my doctor told me thatwhy cant they sayanything i sit here today with no answers i have lost so much i dont wish this on my worst enemyi raised dogs for years had to find homes for them it broke my heart i couldnt take care of them all iget done going to doctors finding out nothing i keep telling myself this is america it should be the best place to live husband had prostaste cancer battled that then in jan had heartattack hes 51 ido what i can but i cant help him by having a job thats the worst part good luck to all of you
I'm sorry to hear of your experience with the NovaSure procedure, I also had this procedure done in Feb.2010 after almost a year of two and three periods a month. I have had no ill effects from it and have have only one period since the procedure. I'm almost 50 and my two boys are grown so I was ready to be done with all that anyway. It sounds to me as though you should check into sueing the doctor for improper use rather than the makers. Because it seems to me this doctors(no longer your doctor) is the one at fault. They obviously went too long with the waves and burnt too deep. I would go after them, not the maker of the device. Good Luck ,it sounds like you deserve compensation.
Ladies, I too had this procedure done 2 years ago. luckly I have had no side effects form this and I think its terrible that so many women suffer from injuries due to this device. All of you ladies sound like you are more alert about your health and I would like to take this oppurtunity to share with you a better way to become healthy. Stamping out illiness and pain. go to www.xoomaeagleteam.com/tailgate
wholesale code: tailgate
also to my direct web site at www.xoomaworldwide.com/tailgate my e-mail address and phone number are on my website. Please call me anytime to talk about your issues and/or xooma products.
Also one more thing and i dont know if it came from the surgery or not. But i have found a hard spot that feels dry at the opening of my cervix. please let me know if anyone who has had this procedure has experienced anything of this nature. I havent been to a doctor over this yet. I am using the silvermax and X2O products for now.
I was going to look for a malpractice lawyer today, but afrter reading what u have all said, it might be in vain. I went in feb 2011 and ended up in the hospital for 5 days because i too had sepsis. doctor had to "manipulate my bowels" her words, to get past scar tissue to do the procedure.I went home after one day, couldnt stop throwing up all day, scared the shit out of my husband, and went back in, had tube down my throat, hooked to all kinds of ivs and someone should be punished morally and ethically for this!
Hmmm... I had Novasure and got infection. I had weird discharge for a year, which culminated in pain so bad I couldn't walk. At least my dr. took me seriously. I ended up with a hysterectomy, and am doing great.
BTW.. public information here, were you aware your OB has malpractice history and sanctions history for improper recordkeeping? See here:
..also wanted to mention: In my exhaustive research of Novasure, it is true that there are some cases where the device safety has malfunctioned. However, the majority of cases that I reviewed involved the PHYSICIAN using the device on patients in which Novasure was contraindicated, such as those with prior uterine surgery, like me (had a c-section). Other issue were the dr. overriding the safety shutoff which occurs when good contact is not made. Additionally, if you have a condition which causes heavy bleeding know as adenomyosis, the only real cure is hysterectomy. Novasure done on women with this condition can either not work well (as far as results) or cause chronic pain. Unfortunately, the only real way to diagnose adenomyosis is after hysterectomy, looking at the uterine walls in pathology. If the clinical picture suggests adeno, Novasure or other ablation techniques will often not work, or cause more issues.
i had this procedure done in june of 2009, and after the procedure i got an infection, and i blood for months and i couldnt tolerate the pain, i had my dr puut me on birth control pills and they do help some with the bleeding and the pain now, but i dont want to have to keep taking them, but im afraid to go off of them because of all the pain i had... if there is a law suit i would love to hear about it...
Someone needs to remove darrylb's PENIS from his brain..OH wait.. it is his brain. I had the NovaSure procedure late may 2011 and I am having heavier periods than before the procedure, I never know when they are going to happen, and constant pain. I was told of the FEW possible side effects and no where did it mention that I would feel and look like I was 5-6 months pregnant. HOW IN THE HELL CAN I HAVE A PERIOD WHEN I NO LONGER HAVE A UTERINE LINING!!!!
DarrelB have you EVER heard of informed consent? This means that the doctor explains all the possible risks and benefits of any procedure and/or surgery BEFORE you sign the consent. Your average patient, no matter how intelligent or educated, doesn't have the proper training to read the consent forms and really understand what they are saying due to all the legal and medical terminology! Therefore, unless your doctor takes the time to properly explain ALL the risks and possible complications of a procedure, then you may sign your consent, but it is NOT considered informed if the doctor hasn't done his or her job. I am a nurse and I get so angry at doctors who want to skip necessary safeguards that are put in place and who want to defend each other before they really know the truth! You sound like an arrogant SOB and I am very thankful I don't work with you and that you are not my doctor. It's doctors like you who give a bad name to medicine!
Thanks ladies for all your comments and willingness to share your experiences. I am scheduled to have Adiana to block my tubes and NovaSure on Friday, 10/7/11. I am now reconsidering doing the NovaSure ablation. I already suffer with chronic pain due to an old accident and I think I would loose my mind if I experienced the complications you have. I will have the Adiana procedure done, but plan to have another lengthy discussion with my physician before signing the consent form!
OMG!!- I am so glad I found your website!! Now that I'm informed, there is no way in &^%% anyone can get me to go through procedure.
I checked out the FDA site, and there are LOTS of other patients that have suffered injuries. It's absolutely criminal. Isn't there some attorney that can do some sort of class action lawsuit?
Had NovaSure a year and a half ago and all I can say is it gave me my life back. Fear kept me from doing it for a few years while I continued to suffer. I did my due dilligence in research of the procedure itself, the doctors in my area, number of procedures performed, in hospital or office, etc. I was 49 with two grown sons, no fibroids or other issues, just massive hemmorhaging for two to three days each month where I could not leave the house. Periods were lasting for six to seven days and cramps...well, that would be an understatement at best. Today I just had my monthly spotting that does not even require a pad so I thought I would go online and share my experience. I am so very sorry that anyone has had an horrific experience with this procedure and I hope them the very best and full recovery. For me, NovaSure gave me my life back and I wish I had not waited so long.
I wouldn't have never went thru with this procedure had I known that there was a possiblity for my uterus to get a hole punctured through it! This has been by far the worst experiance in my whole life and I'm 33yrs old! Now I have to get a hysterectomy that I'm scared to get! My obgyn claims that she didn't know that my uterus was tilted and thats why she perfurated my uterus! Not to mention she never had an ultrasound done to even see what was going on with my uterus! I really wish that I never went thru with this! It will be a week tomorrow since I went in to get that "thing" done and I'm still suffering from someone elses mistake! Tried to seek legal help and got turned down! My obgyn also cclaims that she has done this procedure hundred of times and this has never happpend! Like its my fault for having a tilted uterus! I'm not blaming the product, but I am blaming my obgyn!
HI i am sorry to hear all your horrible stories, but i had done Novasure procedure few months ago and i am doing good. I had little pain right after the surgery, and had discharge for about 3 weeks. i never have any pain any more or periods after that.
wow..im scared to have this procedure done..been discussing with my obgyn for months now an tryin other things to control my frequent heavy periods..but nothing has worked so far..i trust my obgyn an hes not pushing me to do the procedure..hmmmmmm..dont know what decision to make..just know I need some relief from these horrible painful periods..
I had the procedure about 8 days ago and it went very well. I have had no pain, bleeding or cramping. I think you just need to need a great doctor like I have. Very happy with my decision to have nova sure!!!!!
I had the procedure about 8 days ago and it went very well. I have had no pain, bleeding or cramping. I think you just need to have a great doctor like I have. Very happy with my decision to have nova sure!!!!!
I am having heavy bleeding,and long & painful periods that last for 15days to a month this has been going on since 2005. I have had an D&C, IUD, Tubal Ligation,& Norethindrone medication & now the doctor wants to try & do an ablation. I am just sick of all of this and would like to just get an hysterectomy I'm only 28 & their get an hysterectomy I'm only 28 & their refusing I DO NOT WANT ANYMORE KIDS EVER what can I do. refusing I DO NOT WANT ANYMORE KIDS EVER I already have 3, what can I do?
Thank you for posting about your experience and thank you to the other ladies that posted as well. I just started looking into Novasure, and now I'm really not sure that I'll be having this procedure. I realize there is risk in everything, but as I learn more and more, it seems that the risks involved with this procedure just may outweigh the benefits.
After reading all of the comments, it seems like quite a few end up having a hysterectomy after the procedure, so why not do that to begin with? Those complaining about losing fertility, you should read about the procedure before going through with it, this is clearly stated on the brochure. I'm 45 and was considering this, but think I will just go ahead with the hysterectomy and be done with all of it.
Thanks ladies for sharing your stories. I was seriously considering the novasure procedure. After reading your stories, I have decided against the procedure. I think this is a major risks.
Had it done 2007 to control very heavy periods. Haven't had a period since then! No problems whatsoever! Changed my life! LB
T am 35, no children, never been pregnant and shouldn't get pregnant because of spinal stenosis. I had my Nova-sure procedure done on 2/3/2012. I have been seeing a wonderful lady doctor and we also removed a fibroid and did a D & C before the Nova-sure. Its been 24 hours since I was discharged from the outpatient ambulatory surgery center and I have NO pain at all, no need for pain pills so far. No side effects yet and so far the 'weeping' discharge is not bad at all compared to what I've dealt with before . Overall I'd have to recommend this procedure to anyone with a genius lady doc like mine. If anyone in the Dallas F.t. worth area needs a great lady doc go see:
Dr. Jean McClintock at Medical City Dallas.
She is a saint and a joy to go see. She has changed my life for the better and will change your too. Good Luck!
i want to think all who commented here today i am suppost to have this thing done to me on the 17th of this moth i have read all you have had to say now i am calling first thing in the morning to cancel thank you all for saveing me and im so sorry for all the pain you all have had to go trew and still going threw again thank you so much
I would really like to talk with the women that had bad experiences with the procedure; in a more private setting so I can openly share my concerns. If you had a bad experience will you please e-mail me at laugh.love999@gmail.com?
I would really like to hear what happened to you.
Hey, I'm not sure of the details, but I hope you really let your OB "have it". It also appeared to me that it was more of the procedure and the way it was conducted rather than the device itself that caused the problem. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the OB incorrectly ablated which led to the perforated bowel, right? Maybe the doc should be sued?
Well I was against a uterine ablation before & just wanted a hysterectomy. I have gotten the ablation on 2/2/2012 & I have no problems so far I didn't get the NOVASURE instead I got the THERMACHOICE & I haven't received a period yet or any pain just a watery discharge thats subsiding now I'm sooooo very sorry for the women who had such a bad time with the uterine ablation. I just hope I dont develope any problems from this but I'm ok & HAPPY
I had the Novasure ablation after bleeding for 4 months and was very happy with the procedure. I have had no problems or no bleeding since, so glad I did it. However, I did have a rep. from the company oversee my procedure as an observer.
When I was investigating this procedure I did read the warning of possible perforation of the uterus or bladder and it was a major issue for me but I took the chance because I did not want to go through a hysterectomy. I'm sorry you had a problem and wish you the best with this.
Thanks everyone for your comments. I'm scheduled to have the Novasure on March 22. Has anyone had the procedure done who also has fibroids? I have small fibroids and my doctor says they will not be a problem, but I wonder. I'm also concerned about long term effects of Novasure. Has anyone had this procedure at my age (49) and had any issues later on? Thank you!
I just had had the Novasure done on March 01st, and I can say that it hurts like hell during the procedure. It was worse than giving birth. I was all mediated up with Valum, Vicodine, Norecore & something that started w/a K. It did not help, I felt every second of the procedure. I couldn't remember the next 2 days from all the drugs but I sure as hell remember the pain. I'm sore, but Im assuming its from sleeping for 3 straight days & nights. The discharge isn't real fun but Im sure most of you are used to way worse w/the heavy bleeding. After reading all these posts, I've got to say that Im a bit nervous. I just hope & pray that for once Im not blessed w/the bad luck karma. Oh and if I was told no sex for 6 weeks, no way would I do it, I thought 2 weeks was long................
Unfortunately, my wife had this procedure done as well. One year after, as in So many cases we are reading about, she began to experience intense pain. It appears her uterus has scarred closed. She has since changed jobs, so her new insurer is even refusing the hysterectomy needed, on the basis that this is a pre- existing condition. No doctors will touch without insurance, so we are stuck paying out of pocket to get her fixed. Months of hell, and many nights screaming writhing and crying, not to mention all of the lost work. I cannot believe all of the horrifying cases I am reading about Novasure. It seems the FDA did one year studies on this product, and almost all cases I am reading about, the begins just after a year. We need a class action against this company. Just to get the procedure stopped.
Wow! I am so shaken up by what I have read in this blog. It is a good thing that I did not know all of this about Novasure before I had my ablation done in 2008 or I would not have had the courage to go through the procedure. Case in point, I don't remember my doctor talking about the possibility of any of these complications. Thank God he did a great job. There were a few ladies at my job that were patients of his and they all highly recommended him to me.
My ablation was done under general anesthesia because I had a lap procedure to remove a cyst from my ovary at the same time. I was 49 yrs old at the time and recovered quickly. I've never had a period and have had no complications.
I will tend to agree with others who have said that it really has a lot to do with the skill of the doctor so make sure to learn the reputation of yours if you do have this procedure.
Would NOT recommend this procedure. I was NOT warned of the risk of infection. I somehow contracted nasty bacteria from this procedure which resulted in me getting Sepsis less than 24 hrs after this procedure. Nearly died in the E.R., OB-GYN blew me off and I've never heard from her again, spent days in the hospital fighting for my life after blood pressure dropped, fever spiked to 105 deg, kidneys started shutting down, along with excruciating pain.
What I would warn all women considering this procedure is that even though the risk of infection is 2% or lower (didn't know at the time as OB-GYN never warned me), IF you do contract a uterine infection, the chances of it being lethal SKYROCKET! Uterine infections are very deadly as they spread like wildfire and if you don't know what's going on and get antibiotics started immediately you run a very high chance of death.
If you decide to go through with this DEMAND that you are put on prophylactic antibiotics before, during, and after the procedure. The nationally-recognized standards are to NOT prescribe antibiotics for this! Doesn't make any sense.
I wish I had known all of this beforehand, I would NOT have gone through with this! Hope this helps someone out there.
I had Novasure in 2008 and have been miserable since 2009. I have a bicornuate uterus diagnosed in 1992, which is considered a contraindication for Novasure. The doctor who performed my Novasure knew that as I had not only told him but he also did an ultrasound in his office. Nothing in the consent process or literature he gave me mentioned that the procedure was contraindicated in my condition. Have been having severe pelvic pain since 2009 every month for 10 days except when I had a brief break when a doctor prescribed depo-provera for me. Was seen in ER four times in November 2011, diagnosed with probable ruptured ovarian cyst that had become infected, was admitted and had a diagnostic laparascopy with lysis of adhesions. He also did a D and C. Just had full workup with a truly amazing GYN who diagnosed a left obstructed uterine horn. Said my pain was equivalent to labor every month where the uterus contracts and contracts trying to expel the blood but nothing passes. He tried to open it up with a hysteroscopy in the office but could not pass even the smallest pediatric probes. He said the novasure caused scar tissue and completely closed the outlet. Only one course of treatment short of enduring this hell for another 10-12 years waiting for menopause, a hysterectomy. He said that novasure should have never been used on me and that the D and C could not have been completed on both halves of my uterus in November. I am pissed! I have been almost completely bed bound 10-15 days a month since November. And the doctor in November treated me like a drug seeker because he couldn't see anything externally to cause so much pain. I hate feeling this bad. Only good thing is, that with the new complete workup, they found a breast lump, they think it is cancer, but its so small they are planning lumpectomy with the hysterectomy so I may not need any other treatment. Guess God had a plan for me to get to the doctor at just the right time. Just hope God's plan includes ending this horrific pain.
I had uterine fibroids that caused heavy periods, that had me doubling up on pads & super plus tampons & I still soaked through both at times & found myself changing my tampons & pads every hour when I was on my period. I was on my period more often than not. My periods wouldn't stop without medication & only got worse & I ended up in the ER because the bleeding got so bad I was changing pads & tampons about every 30-45 min & was passing huge, huge clots. They doubled my Provera & informed me of the blood clot risk from that; but at that point I just needed my periods to stop. I couldn't take it any more. It was affecting my work, my personal life & my sex life, everything.
I had a hysterscopy, D&C & a Novasure ablatation done a week ago. It was done as an outpatient procedure at the hospital. I was not awake for the procedure. I had pain/cramping after the procedures; but the hospital & the medication I was perscribed after the surgery maintained the pain/cramping levels adequately. By the next day after the procedure I just had occasional cramping that was easily managed taking ibuprofen. I have had very minimal discharge, barely enough to need a pad for. I also have a tilted uterus & didnt have any problems with perforation or burning of my uterus or other organs. I feel great & am glad to be off of the hormones & not having heavy periods that made me moody, crampy & tired.
I am so sorry for everyone that has had problems with the Novasure procedure. I am glad I had the procedure done & I feel like I have my life back. I thouroughly researched the procedure, my doctor & the hospital the procedure was to be done at, before I had the procedure done. I took lists of questions with me to my appointments to be sure I didn't forget to ask something I needed to. From the research I did, I would have never chosen to have it in the DR office & was pleased when that wasn't even sugested. So far I am extremely pleased with my Dr, the hospital & the provedure. Lets not forget that we all know that everyone's body reacts differently to things & even though I had a good outcome, that good or bad outcomes can happen with any procedure. That is why I asked quetions, did research & then made an informed choice that I felt was right for me.
to Janet,
I had the Novasure done. I had fibroids. At least one of them was the size of a golf ball & was what was keeping my periods from stopping, once they started & was also why my periods were so heavy & caused so much cramping due to the size & number of clots i had with my periods. They were in my uterine lining, so my Dr removed them via a hysteroscopy & a D/C & did my Novasure after all of that. All an outpatient procedure at the local hospital. I am doing great! No pain, no discharge, no heavy period! I am 46 & am glad to have my life back. I am thankful for a good Dr. I researched the Novasure first & had it done by an MD/OBGYN that had alot of experience doing the procedure, with good outcomes & results. I also did some research on the hospital too with regards to their pain management, infection & procedural outcomes. It was alot of homework; but it was worth it. I took a week off of work just for the break from work; but I was back to running errands, cooking & cleaning, etc in 3 days. Good luck!
Thank you all for posting your experiences, especially the author for starting this blog. I was considering this treatment for heavy periods, but after reading this, finding another way to deal with heavy periods seems preferable to the risks involved in this procedure. I do believe my obgyn is competent, but given the number of injuries reported, I'm still highly concerned. Had I not found this blog, it is likely I would have continued with the procedure as it sounds like the perfect solution. Thank you again for sharing.
i had novasure 06 started coughing up blood soon as i woke up kelpt coughing blood up for 3 weeks they thought i had blood clot lung said i didnt wasnt even 1 monlth started getting uti urine looked like puss in it white settlings pain on rightside hurt to touch very tender went to emergency rooms one says did you come for the drugs i said no im in pain the other place says could you be pregnant said no husband is fixed have you been screwing aronnd i said no im in pain so after 8 ct scans 4 ultasonds 4 urolgist 4 gyn doctor after doctor many blood test urin cultures everything wears me out i have to lay down have no energy feels like my side is on fire feels like a poisoning i dont wish this on my worst enemy im 48 had this done at 42 worst mistake of my life what life i dont have one living in pain every day not getting answers why i feel this way had one doctor going to put me in pain management i had burns on my side from laying on ice all night long from the pain it made burns on my side went to one gyn in indianopolis told him what i was going threw didnt do any test just said your uterus is fine nothings wrong this is 2010 by this time i really upset no one is hearing me he says i dont have a period i feel just fine my husband had a heart attack i cant work help pay bills cant do much around house cause im so sick had find home for my dogs i had could no longer take care of them so my doctor sends me to a female gyn saying he says novasure complacations she says more urin cultures utrasounds and you better get a mammagram iget mammagram call back say come back need more scans found lumps in each of your breast go to cancer doctor i do she says my insurance will only pay 50 percent because she has no right to go to hospital for hystertomy the nexst day dec 16 so isay forget it take cervix uterus one overy out said uterus bogy sogy soft looks like a body builders with lots muscle and lots of scar tissue from the novasure which caused my proublems i knew it wasnt all in my head now im set up on the payment plan trying to pay all these medical bills cost 36 thousand for hystertomy insurence covered alot still ive spent alot of money trying to find the answer in a way i feel better but i dont know if that was the only thing wrong from the novasure urin i dont want to check i dont want no one to go threw what i have went threw i do believe there is alot of women going threw this they are going to doctor to doctor look at allthe bussnessit drums up for them and as far as my left breast being cancer i guess i will know when it comes i cant afford no more money my pockets are empty if it takes my life i tride my best to get help for myself i hope this can help someone else cause thats all i can do sheila
The comment regarding the one year mark after surgery being critical is right on the mark. Almost exactly 12 months after my procedure my periods returned with more pain than before. After the procedure I was in intense pain for two days and had bowel incontinence. How incredibly embarrassing to discuss. The procedure affected my sex life for a time and at this point I'm crying excessively before periods. My GP put me on Zoloft but I'm not depressed, just can't stop crying three days a month. A lot more information is necessary before this procedure becomes even more common. And I had a C-section and don't remember that being mentioned as a problem. Wish I'd known a lot of things.
i hope all of us find out what is wrong becase i feel like things still isnt right even after i had hystetomy things are not right i thank each of you for your information we know it isnt in our heads sheila
Hello all,thought I would share.I to had ablation 1 month ago( not sure which kind due to no longer speaking to gyn)As soon as I woke up felt like I was on fire.First wk very painful but I thought due to lap for adhesion removal had done at same time.second week started extreme pain LRQ,nausea and just horrible feeling.Called gyno said unrelated insert first er visit did ct was clear white blood cell count fine told I had ibs.Dealt with it almost another week called gyno back said er said I was all clear everywhere else so I really believed due to something in surgery.had me come in said uterine infection given keflex.3 days later worse started having pain lower middle abdomen along with LRQ.called gyn back cause he said iv antibiotics may be needed but no changed antibiotic to flagyl and shot rocephine did pelvic said fine.I asked for ultrasound said not needed ct was fine.Even though I was in tears after exam.I guess the exam flarred every thing up insert second er visit complete waste of time they called gyno he said follow up Monday morning.When I got to his office he said that my problems are not gyno related again I asked for ultrasound said not needed.sent me to urologist said I had bladder infection( even though urine had be fine x 3) told to stop flagyl gave doxicycline.I cried all the way to pharmacy and while there found adeno on line and every thing fit.Gave antibiotics a couple days no improvement by this time I was having contractions,tender tummy( can't even stand seatbelt), back labor,LRQ pain lower abdominal pain shooting into leg and groin,increased gas and bloating(look 5 months pregnant)and at uro apt seen my op report which said uterus enlarged to 8 wks.phoned gyno( last straw)nurse proceded to tell me symptoms did not match adeno and I was already told not gyno related.When I asked about uterus size told " that's ABOUT normal"I Hung up and again cry cry cry.I decided to get 2 nd opinion and went to a wonderful dr who actually sat and listened to my symptoms.instantly he wanted an ultrasound.finding:adenomyosis due to speckling and difuse something outer layer tissue,uterus fused shut with scar tissue with trapped fluid in uterus and abdominal cavity( he said no way to know if blood or pus)and cyst right ovary.So now have to take bactrim and clindamyacin for 1 wk and return to discuss options.I'm so scared still don't know what this fluid is and what it is doing to my body.I'm a wife and mother and feel worthless cause all I want to do is lay on my couch with heating pad.I don't blame the procedure I understand this go wrong and everyone reacts to procedures differant( I work in a medical offica)What I do blame is my doctors gross neg in not listening his pt and being proactive in ny care.If you choose to have this procedure just MAKE SURE you have a doctorr who cares and is not so busy or arrogant to really listen to you issues and concerns and don't be afraid to ask questions.They say the same ole thing to every pt that has this procedure( or they should) and human error could leave something out.So no question is stupid its your body and you deserve to have all your concerns addressed,and if you think something is wrong don't give it up you know your body better then anyone.My old Dr said he has done hundreds of these and nothing like this has ever happens so just be unrealted,well guess I'm the first.LUCKY ME:(only thing i don't understand is every thing I have read about uterus scarring shut is normally six months are more so why did this happen to me so fast?
I too am sorry to hear about all the complications some of you have had. For me the NovaSure was the best thing I have ever done. My periods had gotten so bad. I had fibroids so the cramping and bleeding were horrible. After reading all the posts that had had a bad outcome, its clear to me that it is not the procedure, its the Doctor. My Doctor had done over 2000 with no complications, she also did all the workup before I went in i.e. ultrasound, blood work, exam. I never had any pain whatsoever afterwards in fact I thought maybe she hadn't done anything at all. I have had no periods, no spotting, nothing for over a year. Like I said best thing I've ever done. I think those of you that are thinking about it do some research on your Doctor, find out how many they have done and the outcomes. May sure you have the ultrasound done it measures your lining so the Doctor knows what he she is working with and if you have any issues that make you not a candidate.
Hi i had this done as well ....I only have pain during sex .and pain in my leg still after to months ....? i dont know what to do ....it feels numb ,but it hurts as well .....
Im really sorry for all of you whom are in pain .and what you are going threw .....I never here of anyone w/ the leg pain and numbness in the thigh ...I think its from the shots in my thigh ,Before it was done ,I guess !
Just had this done yesterday. Procedure seemed to go well. She had me loaded up on Xanax, tordol, and percocet before procedure and continue taking percocet after. About 2 hours after it was done, I had the worst pain I have ever felt. I have delivered 4 babies naturally and this was worse. I went to the ER and they ran tests and CT scan, but will have to wait until tomorrow to see if the Dr. thinks it perforated my uterus. I hope it didn't, but something just doesn't seem right. The Dr.'s in the ER had to give me 10 of morphine just to dull the pain to tolerable. They also gave me IV antibiotics just in case it turns out I did perforate. Guess we'll see what happens.
ive heard here in ohio some doctors are now not doing novasure they are finding out that it is causeing scar tissue women are having complacations wow had mine in 2006 going to doctor to doctor kidney infections all the time right side pain i will never forget the pain i had 10 times worser than labor pains i wish i could do over i would have never let them do it i trusted them believed them figured they would help me wrong i just hope that someone will read this say this isnt for me i dont want to go threw this 8 ct scans 4 urologist 4 gyns many many doctors test after test urin cultures bloodtest laying down all the time cause you feel so bad everything wears you out you fill like it is a poisoning i couldnt even cebrate me husband annerversery every year was the same i was sick on my birthday to never really had a good day every time i went to doctors i would say this prayer forgive them father they know what they do no one wanted to admit it was cause from novasure had hystertomy 2011 it was almost 2012 everytest i had nothing showed up when they did surgery they found that out it helped some but i feel there is something that is not right yet scar tissue built up wasnt letting blood out it was backing up i had proublems soon as i woke up coughing blood up within a month or two i was having pain could not get no one to listen to me went back to gyn said right side pain feels like kidney infection he said i didnt said he could send me to a heart doctor i said no i had to take antiboitics for kidney infections for monlths at a time say it was a preventiva i hated laying on ice all day night i had no choice my family and i suffered alot from novasure alot of insurances want you to try novasure instead of hystertomy then wont do hystertomy they will say your to young to have that then you willgo threw heck because they cant find answers for your pain i really dont want one person having to go threw what i have been threw if thats all i can do i iam here to do just that sheila
WOW!! So thankful for this blog--I am scheduled to have Novasure 5/23 and after this, I am going to call and cancel--I think I would rather have a total hysterectomy! So sorry to hear about all of the bad experiences and hoping and praying u all feel better soon!
I also had Novasure in 2005. All was well, with no period at all until about 10 months ago. That's when my torture started. Pain like I've never experienced, starting about a week a month like a normal cycle, but then after a few months, it stretched into 20-27 straight days of agony. Finally found a doctor who diagnosed me with post ablation syndrome. The doctor who did my ablation never warned me about this possibility, and if you go on the Novasure website right now, there's nothing about this. Three weeks ago I had a total hysterectomy with many complications including internal bleeding and the need for a a blood transfusion. It is ridiculous that this company can hide behind the FDA when so many women are being mutilated by this procedure. I urge everyone to avoid this at all costs.
I am 52 and had novasure procedure done two weeks ago and all went well for me. I have little or no pain since the op. However after reading all those comments and the problems that presented years after the procedure I am troubled and worried. Will I have problems in the future?My gynae mentioned none of these problems before my op and I had total confidence in her. Is it more usual to have problems than to be okay? I feel really well, just a little run down after the GA but back to work within 2 days. Really disappointed and nervous after reading the other blogs
I had this procedure done 12/08 and it was the best thing I could've ever done..no compications what so ever..it was over in 90 seconds and that was it..its been 3 1/2 yrs since and still no issues...so glad I had it done...
i had hystertomy helped some after novasure but still feels like things are not right i wish i would have never had it done ruined my life
I had this done about 3 months ago ...I am in sooooo much pain i want to just die sometimes ,,,My legs are messed up ,Maybe from the shots they gave me in my thigh ,,,,Ya know ,I wish i would have never done this .I would rather have my pirods than go threw this mess ,,,I take pain pills every day just to get threw tha day :0 God please help me
I'm scheduled to have this done on6/19/12.is it still that bad? Or is it the Dr. Behind the instrument?
Don't DO IT! I have had it done a few years now and I am in pain sooo bad. It is forcing me to have a hysterectomy now. The first year or so was great, but now I have trapped blood that cannot pass easily and I now get intense labor pains monthly for a few days. I have a heating pad on my right side as we speak! Sure the bleeding has stopped a lot, but the pain of this is far more worse.
post ablation syndrome is REAL. I was just in the ER last month with a pain level being a ten out of ten. I had this done 2 years ago and wished I would never, ever done it. yes, the periods are pretty much gone. The severe pain in my ovaries are far worse than labor pains and I am no wimp!
Just so everyone knows, uterine perforation is very common. Every OB/GYN has perfed a uterus at some point or another. Retroverted uteruses where the uterus tilts back instead of forward is a common reason for perforation. History of heavy, irregular bleeding makes the uterus very boggy and perforations occur very easily. I am not commenting regarding the procedure, I just wanted everyone to know the facts about uterine perforation.
Thanks for the blog and all the comments. My OBGYN has given me a choice of novasure or hysterectomy. I saw him today and he said to call him back when I decide and he'd schedule whichever surgery I preferred. After reading all this,i'm 100% going for hysterectomy!
First of all ladies, please understand that all ablations are not bad. Also, what many of you don't know is that there are more than one types of devices available for use when doing an ablation; and Novasure is only good in a select population of patients. I am an ob/gyn who does NOT do Novasure, but I have many colleaguse who do because frankly 1. the reimbursement is better, and its quick, which means that many gyns can and do use it in their offices. The problem with Novasure is that it only comes in one size and can not expand. Therefore if a woman has a larger uterus,(due to fibroids or multiple pregnancies) the Novasure can not cover all of the area of the cavity to complete the ablation. This means that while part of the lining is gone, the other part is still active and cycling. Unfortunately, the lower part of the uterus can becaome scarred shut not allowing the blood from the upper regions to pass through. This causes blood and lining to back up into the tubes and muscle of the uterus which is what has caused the intense pain that some of you have been experiencing. If possible, you can have the cervix nd lower segment dilated to allow for the passage of the blood to alleviate your pain. Unfortunately, most doctors just proceed to hysterectomy. Hope this helps.
I am considering the procedure myself, had an abnormal pap so I was sent to a well known and GYN/OB and he did a second pap and biopsy but it all came back clear. He asked if I was having heavy periods and when I told him yes, that the two months prior my periods had been hideous, he suggested the NovaSure. When I asked him if there were any side effects, he balked a bit, then said it was an easy procedure and that he would suggest it. I'm a little concerned that he may be out for the $$$ and not my best interest, but he came highly recommended by my family doctor.
I am at a loss, as I want to do it, but I sure as heck don't want to regret doing it. I have a tilted uterus and that is my one concern considering the possible perforation of my uterus. I have enough health problems than to add more.
My heart goes out to all of the women here and out there that have had a bad experience. God be with you all,
I am considering the procedure myself, had an abnormal pap so I was sent to a well known and GYN/OB and he did a second pap and biopsy but it all came back clear. He asked if I was having heavy periods and when I told him yes, that the two months prior my periods had been hideous, he suggested the NovaSure. When I asked him if there were any side effects, he balked a bit, then said it was an easy procedure and that he would suggest it. I'm a little concerned that he may be out for the $$$ and not my best interest, but he came highly recommended by my family doctor.
I am at a loss, as I want to do it, but I sure as heck don't want to regret doing it. I have a tilted uterus and that is my one concern considering the possible perforation of my uterus. I have enough health problems than to add more.
My heart goes out to all of the women here and out there that have had a bad experience. God be with you all,
I am considering the procedure myself, had an abnormal pap so I was sent to a well known and GYN/OB and he did a second pap and biopsy but it all came back clear. He asked if I was having heavy periods and when I told him yes, that the two months prior my periods had been hideous, he suggested the NovaSure. When I asked him if there were any side effects, he balked a bit, then said it was an easy procedure and that he would suggest it. I'm a little concerned that he may be out for the $$$ and not my best interest, but he came highly recommended by my family doctor.
I am at a loss, as I want to do it, but I sure as heck don't want to regret doing it. I have a tilted uterus and that is my one concern considering the possible perforation of my uterus. I have enough health problems than to add more.
My heart goes out to all of the women here and out there that have had a bad experience. God be with you all,
I am considering the procedure myself, had an abnormal pap several weeks ago, so I was sent to a well known GYN/OB and he did a second pap and biopsy along with an ultrasound, and it all came back clear. I checked him out on Healthgrades.com and his portfolio is spotless.
He asked if I was having heavy periods and when I told him yes, that the two months prior my periods had been hideous, he suggested the NovaSure. When I asked him if there were any side effects, he balked a bit, then told me most women only have a period for one day a month.
That caught my attention. He went on to say it was a simple procedure (no cutting) and that he would be doing it in the hospital for safety purposes and would be putting me to sleep for it. He also said he'd had a great success rate.
I'm a little concerned that he may be out for the $$$ and not my best interest, as he asked me that day before my results were back and then the day he called me (he called himself!) and told me all tests came back favorably he asked me if I had thought about doing the procedure.
I told him yes, I was considering it. He then pressed me to let him know so that he could schedule it. That kind of put me off a bit, because it sounded like he was trying to make "a sale" so to speak.
I feel a little pushed to do it, but since he came highly recommended by my family doctor, I find myself still considering it. I'm disabled and on Medicare, so I can't imagine he would make very much money off of it.
My heart goes out to all the women here that had a bad experience. May God be with each one of you.
A couple of things: First, I had many of the same experiences you had when I had a tubal ligation. Perforation is a risk inherent to many abdominal surgeries. It's not unique to NovaSure. I spent two weeks in the hospital and almost died myself. I never even considered suing my doctor. Complications happen sometimes. They are not always due to negligence.
Second, whoever said that doctors are making a lot of money from NovaSure is uninformed. I am having the procedure done and I called my doctor's office to find out the costs. The doctor will bill $1,100 for her part but the insurance will only pay her $420. $420 for a surgical procedure is VERY LITTLE.
I had the Novasure ablation done almost four years ago as a resolution for heavy bleeding due to fibroids. The bleeding came back after one year. Now that I'm 45 and experiencing full blown perimenopause my menstruation is all over the map and the bleeding and pain is worse than ever. The problem is: the Novasure left so much scarring that my doctor is unable to obtain a biopsy to rule out the presence of any type of pre or cancerous cells that may be present under the scarring. My mother had uterine cancer and there is of course a concern on my part as to my own risk. Now I'm being told they may need to perform a laparoscopic bagged hysterectomy. Why wouldn't they have just removed my fibroids and be done with it instead of scarring an otherwise healthy uteris? I don't get it. The doctors were incentivized by Novasure to push the product when there are certain examples where another procedure would have been better suited to the patient. It makes me sick that doctor's lose their morals and forget the real reason for their profession. It's about the well being of the patient, not the money. If anyone is considering this procedure, please do your homework and weigh the long term consequences. Forget that it takes only 90 seconds. If the right decision is a procedure that takes an hour longer, you'll thank yourself later for being patient.
had novasure had nothing but pain pain all monlth long i can handle pain im not a wimp no women should ever have to live that way alot of money was wasted going to doctor to doctor trying to find a doctor that would listen enstead of sending you to someone else have this test done then another doctor wanting same test done again so they can see it didnt matter i had 8 ct scans 4 ultrasounds many many blood test 4 gyns 5 uroligist 5 urine cultures i dont know if thats all i had done you cant tell me doctors dont get a kick back by pushing novasure and medicine they should be looking out for the women you dont know how disappointed i was going for years trying to find the answers to my pain it took years no one would listen they blew me off some said was in my head i knew it was not i will never forget the pain i felt like i was on fire many many nights i cried myself to sleep if they know it can cause this why are they still doing them i went to emergency rooms was laughted at made fun off all i got was a big bill to pay did not help me one bit i did finally find one doctor willing to help me he said it doesnt take a rocket sciencetest to figure it out i had scar tissue from novasure wasnt letting blood out was trapped so it was complacations from novasure it showed up right away wasnt even a month after i had done had pain got worser worser remember it took me years to get anywhere 90 seconds cost me alot of years in pain was it worth it not at all so if i can change one womens mind i dont want you to go threw what i had to
This procedure was the best thing I ever did! Simple recovery, and NO periods!
I had this done on July 18th I had one little cramp twenty min after I woke up and that is it! No bleeding no cramping no nothing! I also had a d n c and a polyp disect. with a hysteroscopy! I feel great had it done Wen and was watching my four boys the next day. I would so do it again! I am so sorry for all of the people who had trouble with the procedure.
There is no reason a commonly completely procedure should be causing THIS must unjury and pain. If it was a drug, out would have been pulled. YES there are inherent risks with all procedures, but this is ridiculous. PHEN PHEN helped a few people lose weight.....the risk far out weighs the benefit.
I read this board before my surgery and went ahead with the procedure because I had to take that risk to try to fix my issues. - I am very happy to report it went better than I had expected. I am now two months out and have had no periods, no symptoms, no pain. - The procedure went just as they had said it would and I am thankful. - I woke up sitting in a wheelchair after the procedure with my hubby sitting there next to me. We waited until I could take in some water and get my bearings and then we left. I slept the whole rest of the day just trying to get the drugs out of my system. I only had some minor cramping and wore thin pads for about a week. I am very lucky, I know this and I wish every woman had the same experience. - Anyone looking in DFW area for a doc, I went to Walsh/Sharma in Plano. And to top it off, they'll bill the heck out of the insurance company, lol. I haven't paid a dime yet :-) good luck everyone.
My wife just had NOVASURE done at the gynecologist clinic. The gynecologist said he has done a lot of these procedures without issue. He said he did a lot of reading and has only heard of one other issue. I guess he didn't READ THIS! My wife had the NOVASURE done for heavy bleeding. After the procedure my wife was in a great deal of pain. She called her gynecologist the following day and he said that the pain was normal. My wife then told him that she had not had ANY drainage that should have been expected! He had us come into his office. He has said that her cervix has closed up. He said this was VERY rare and that's why she is in the pain. The pressure isn't draining and it's building inside her cervix. He said the earliest he could schedule AN OPERATION TO REMOVE HER UTERUS WAS 6 DAYS AWAY! Her surgery is tomorrow morning. The gynecologist prescribed my wife OXYCODONE (5-325MG) that shes been TAKING FOR THE INTENSE PAIN! 1 PILL EVERY 3 HOURS THE LAST 6 DAYS! After reading this I am scared the pain medication may be masking another issue? My wife has MAJOR swelling of her lower abdomen, stomach, and EVEN IN HER STERNUM area! The gynecologist told us to expect swelling? She's also having a hard time eating and going #2. We've been told that is ALSO because the medication. I'm VERY confused on what to do? My wife is scheduled for surgery in 12 hours. My wife has been in so much pain? Do I even trust the gynecologist to do the surgery tomorrow? How do I make sure the gynecologist don't try to cover up any mistakes he may have made doing the NOVASURE as he is the one performing the surgery tomorrow? Another issue I have is that my wife suffers from seizures and is on a maximum dose of anti-seizure medication. Putting her under to perform this surgery has A GREAT DEAL OF RISK TO HER HEALTH! Her gynecologist is aware of her medications, condition, and that's why we've continued to follow his recommendations.
The doctors make it seem like it is nothing. Not even a surgery. "Just a little 90 second procedure. We do it right in the office. We'll get you all fixed up." they say.
i wish i had money i would have a company to stop npvasure from hurting women then we would join a class action lawsuit to get this stoped i would be helping women not to have to live this way it is not right i feel for each everyone even trhough i had hystretomy i have alot of pain cant do what i once did
i dont know what they did but
really took a toll on my life ive read put hole in colon hole in bladder who really knows what they arent telling ive dealed with it from 06 to almost 2012 no one would listen didnt care each doctor i seen that did not help i said this please forgive them father they know what they do looked at me like i was a drug seeker all i wanted was some help because i was in so much pain i will never forget how it destroyed my life i trusted them they are still doing this today i wonder how many women it will take to say there is a proublem have urin proublems now colon never had before side pain still there they said my blood was traped from scar tissue was no where for it to go caused from novasure no test would show it till they did hystertomy i went 3 hours away to gynocogy he didnt do any test said your uterus is fine he dont have a period hes just fine im crying no one hears me say im in pain he hands me a dry wash rag to wipe my tears i just drove 3 hours one way to get nothing done doctor after doctor did the same i was really loseing any hope of finding one to help then i told this other doctor first had gallblader out monlth later novasure he said it doesnt take a rocket sciencetist to figure this out haw did your novasure go started coughing up blood soon as i woke up for weeks at a time so please dont have this done sheila
Thank you so much for this post! I was given options to fix my heavy bleeding after multiple hormone treatments and this was one of those options along with a hysterectomy. I think i'll just go straight to the hysterectomy after reading this!
hrm...I had NovaSure done about 3 weeks ago and I've had zero problems. I did not do the in office procedure, it was done in a hospital in the OR. Other then some slight typical "period cramps" and the watery discharge for a week or so, my procedure went amazing. I'm extremely happy! My younger sister had the same procedure done 3 years ago and has also had the same positive outcome...no issues.
I had the Novasure procedure done April 18,2011 along with a D&C and tuba-ligation. I went through the surgery just fine, had minimum cramping and had the discharge for about 4 weeks. I felt great after that and my periods have came to a total stop. Fast forward a year later, I am having bad pains in my uterus,ovaries that radiates down into my upper legs, lower back/tailbone area, groins and vaginal area. My breast also swells,becomes painful and hot feeling right around the time I used to have a period and I bloat like I'm 4 months pregnant! The pains seems to be present all month long but worse when I'm ovulating or right when I'm supposed to have a period. When the stomach pains first started I thought I had the stomach flu, but then the pains kept getting stronger to the point I went to the emergency room. While there they checked me for appendicitis, kidney, bladder, gallbladder and liver stones which all came out fine and they sent me home saying it was a stomach bug and I had no infection in my body. I got curious and started researching my pains on-line and was horrid to see that so many other women are having the exact same issues I'm having! I tried to call my primary care (old one now) and she couldn't see me till the second week of September so I went and got a new doctor I get to see on the 27Th. I can't go back to the OBGYN that did my surgery, his officer is no longer in my insurance's "network" and will only send me if I get a referral form my primary care. The only thing that brings me relief at the moment is a heating pad, Motrin and warm bath soaks. I also got into a discussion with a friend of mine that had the same procedure done in October. I lost touch with her for a few months and when I re-connected with her she was telling me that she had the opposite,she bled like a hog and had the exact same pains. Just like the rest of the women I have encountered and read on the blogs she had to have a hysterectomy on New Years day this year. I'm hoping that this new doctor will be able to shed some light on what's going on inside me, this pain is about to drive me nuts. I have no energy, I'm tired all the time, moody and I'm tired of feeling like this!
Thank you so much for the informational blog. You may have saved many from the horrific outcome you had as well as many others. I was planning to have this procedure but I now there is no way. I educated myself beyond your blog but your blog gave me the insight to research. God bless you!
I had this procedure done with no complications.. I have been with my same gynecologist for 20 years, so I have alot of trust in him.. I feel he did a wonderful job. Minimal pain that only lasted for a day... But I can tell you this, I have a tilted uterus and my Dr. did the procedure with no problems what so ever.. So I can honestly tell you that it was'nt you but your gynecologist.
I also want to say that I am very sorry that you all have had such bad experiences with your Nova sure. I just would think that it would be the Dr. being incompetent more as the equipment itself. I just hope it all works out for everyone of you.
i am very happy people are doing their research not having this done i believe there is a lot they are not telling about this women are comming togeather to tell how this novasure made life alot worser than better like they say they just want to keep pushing the product i want to say it was awful going to doctor after doctor trying to find the answer to your pain them all brushing you off like its all in your head i kelp thinking this is the one that will help me it took 5 long long years things still dont seem right but i have to learn to cope with this day after day for the rest of my life
i just got back from doctor had novasure 2006 going to doctor after doctor had hystertomy 2011 said blood was trapped from scar tissue from novasure now my doctor tells me i had a fistula from novasure i guess i will be getting my records things are not right yet i think we all should start a class action law suite it is not right they are doing these yet knowing all the complacations they are causeing i am here to say do not get a novasure biggest mistake i made was trusting them
I had Novasure in September of 2011. My strange symptoms began in November. I began having symptoms like I was pregnant - nausea, dizziness, changes in my breasts, fatigue, etc. My fiance has had a vasectomy so I knew it was impossible. Over the past several months these symptoms have grown to include extreme PMS ( I did not have this prior to the procedure) cramping in my lower left flank that radiates down my leg, and now gas after everything I eat. I forgot to mention that following the procedure once I was approved to have sex that sex hurt in this one spot. It feels like there is a place inside of me that has never healed. My OB/GYN has told me that none of this is related to Novasure but I believe differently. If anyone has any advice or suggestions I would appreciate it. I am 42 with 1 child and otherwise very healthy. I am going to try to find another doctor that might be familiar with Post Endometrial Ablasion Syndrome. For those of you considering this procedure please think twice! Something is very wrong here and they are not telling us the whole story!
i think they are keeping things under the rug they are not telling women my pain was on right side under rib cage down to groin had hystertomy said traped blood adnosis or something then go to my doctor he says fistula get medical records just says they think adonosis i couldnt have the proublems im having from the novasure didnt get the paper where they sent uterus off thats what i need had no engery felt like side is on fire layed on ice all night long uti all the time pus in urine hystertomy helped things are still not right have pain down by appedix like something is not healed my novasure was 06 hystertomy 2011 i cant believe they are still doing this how many women have to suffer live like thisthe fda should be checking into this but look how fast they can do it make fast money they can all say oh know that wouldnt be the proublem if you think like me this is going to be the doctor that helps me its all about the money not the patient its been this long and im still looking for the answer to my pain i started coughing up blood soon as i woke up no tube in throat i have pictures of urine in pus no doctor would help me i even took urine in i cryed when they sent me away and said this please forgive them father they know what they did sheila
If only I read this before I had it done. Went in oct 1st to have a d&c, ablation and biopsy done. Had a fever the last 19 days. On Oct 5th, I went to the ER for fever and vomiting. Said I had a UTI, sent me home with 10 days of Macrobid. By the 15th, back in the ER. Kidney pain, brown urine with sediment in it. Was told I had a severe kidney infection and sent home with a 10 day supply of Doxycycline. The 16th, went for my post-op appt. I was told all went well. She found and removed some polyps. She sent me to a Urologist. When he called the hospital for my urine cultures, he was told I never had an infection. He had to stop the antibiotics. I was told my bladder was severly burned. I go 14-15 hrs without urinating. I am leaking urine like an elderly person. I have to go have a renal ultrasound and cystoscopy of my bladder Wed to see how much damage has been done. My abdomen is so sore. Still spotting. I have missed 3 weeks of work. Which my OB said she can not wrote me a note for a 2 day recovery time procedure. So I have probably lost my job. I am so flustered!
i had many uti kidney infections sent here there urine cultures i had settlements in mine i got to the point i didnt want to drink didnt know why i was put on prevented antibics for monlths for kidney infections i couldnt get them to tell me i had kidney infections i read on paper ask he said pus in urine mine was white settlings they were there for years iwas told i had adenosis or something like that then my doctor tells me i had a fistula from novasure so i get medical records it doesnt say so i dont get it i had to go to urologist he cheked me said i dont think you have a hole in bladder this was 06 bladder infections are not nice i hope everyone starts feeling better and my heart goes out to each everyone of you
Hello, I had this procedure done Sept. 2006. Huge mistake. I was in extreme pain afterwards, vomiting, and couldn't walk. Doctor said give it a day or so. Six years later I had a diagnostic lap. done. Found out my uterus had melted into my abdomen just below my belly button. It was fused, and took the surgeon almost 2 hours to cut my uterus free. I was having severe belly bloat, looked and felt like I was pregnant for 6 years after this procedure. Went to countless doctors who did nothing, until I was sent to this one doctor who agreed to do a diagnostic lap. I'm so thankful she did, because I was to the point that I could only tolerate soft foods that were easily digestable. My surgeon did not expect to find what she did. She was a little shocked at the magnitude of the situation I had been dealing with for six years of my life. I'm still in pain, and still get belly bloat, but doing much better. If the pain persist, I might see if she could just remove my uterus completely. I should mention that I had a c-section with my first son nineteen years ago, then a vbac with my second son. I had terrible mentral cramps, with heavy bleeding. I became anemic in 2006 which led me to do the uterine ablasion. Biggest mistake of my life, as I now have to deal with pain in my abdomen, legs, and back. I hope what I have described will help another with her decision. Thank you for listening/reading. Sandy
I'm starting a blog, too, to chronicle my nightmare with NovaSure. I've called medical malpractice lawyers and no one wants this. The FDA says it's safe... I guess Hologic/NovaSure is untouchable. Makes me hesitant to even take my children to the doctor or give them ANYTHING approved by the FDA.
Thank you for this blog. I have decided not to go ahead with this procedure. The information I was given by a UK NHS consutlatnt was that it was a straight forward easy procedure with virtually no risk - in fact the leaflet I have from him is the NovaSure leaflet. Thank goodness people are sharing their real experiences online to allow us to find the real information and make proper informed choices.
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I am sorry to say that much of what I read here deals with poor research and education about this procedure.
That many signed a consent form that clearly lists the possibilities and did not fully understand them saddens me.
And someone actually complained about a loss of fertility in an early comment, which is just ignorant. Of COURSE one becomes sterile after. How could someone NOT know this? Just reading the simple pamphlet will tell you this.
I had this procedure done six days ago. I had normal periods my whole life, until this past August when I began to bleed constantly--clots like plums in the bowl, cramps so bad, going through tampon after tampon. Low iron, low blood pressure, fatigue, dizziness, bruising--I was a mess.
My doctor performed the procedure ONLY after two consultations AFTER I had seen her three times to rule out cancer and to discuss options. She explained everything to me in detail, showed me the device, made sure that I was comfortable during and after.
I have some discharge, light pink. I have some cramping. I have lower back cramping. But, overall, I feel better already. I'm not bleeding like a stuck pig anymore.
And to all those who have perforations: the device actually checks the integrity of the uterus after, which is why they run water into the uterus post-ablating. That way, they can see on the ultrasound machine whether or not there are any complications to surrounding organs.
Thus, while what many of you say you experienced then and feel now seems, from my point of view, to be caused by poor research and questioning on your parts combined with poor doctor/patient communication.
For my part: so far, so good. Everything my doctor and I spoke about is occurring, no surprises.
I can't wait until three months goes by so that I can truly gauge the difference this procedure will make in my life.
things are different for people we are all not the same size there are different novasure they do they just say how great it is nothing aboutthe bad experience some of us has had even a doctor wrote in saying some of us had traped blood it was not letting it come out scar tissue caused by this we all know how to read we are not stupid we dont like the wool pulled over our eyes and pretending its all in our heads you think just because they say you will be so much better getting this done i hope you never have to go threw what some of us went threw i still think they dont know dont care what this does its all about money
Wow…. I’m a 27year old single mother of 3 small children who only have me since my husband passed away in Afghanistan. I was going to go through with this but after reading all of this there is no way in hell. I don’t understand why this is still an option. I’m sorry for all who is experiencing all the complications. NOVASURE needs to be BOYCOTTED!
Ihad the Novasure procedure done about 5 years ago. For the first 4years I thought it was the best decision I ever made related to my health. Before the procedure I had heavy periods that lasted for about 10 days. I had to use a tampon and maxi pads. I had a lot of blood clots and had to change my tampon every hour for the first two days. I hated to move because when I moved blood would goosh out. After my Novasure, I either didn't have a period each month or it was very light. I felt like I had a life and could be more active. Now, I wish that I had not had the procedure. About 9 months ago is when the pain started. Every two weeks or sometimes once a month I have severe pain. Initially the pain was on my right lower side that would radiate down my right leg. Now I have the same pain but also lower pelvic pain that feels like labor pain. I have to live on Ibuprofen and heating pads. This week the 800 mg of Ibuprofen no longer relieves my pain. I had gone to the emergency room once but wanted to go about 5-6 times. Before I knew if I just bore with the pain for about an hour, the Ibuprofen would start to work. This week I was on vacation and did not want to go to a hospital in another state but the pain was unbearable. Went to my doctor again today and we will schedule a hysterectomy very soon.
Endometrial ablation can have serious complications including bowelburn, embolism and uterus perforation.
I had the Novasure about a year ago. My doctor said that I had a heart shaped uterus so the shape of the tool would not reach the top of the "heart" so I may still have some light bleeding after the procedure. He also gave me a full exam and ultrasound prior to surgery. My procedure was performed in a surgery center and I too was put completely under. There was not a lot of pain after surgery but after a few months of some light bleeding during my period I started experiencing extreme pain during my cycle. The pain is in my lower stomach, rectum, and I also look three months pregnant. It feels like I am dying every time I have my period. I went for my yearly pap and explained this to the nurse practitioner who was doing my exam. She did not seem concerned and said to take Midol. I am now considering going to the ER to find out what is going on.
I had my NovaSure done a year ago. I had been suffering from extremely heavy, long, and painful periods for a long time. They were so heavy that I would soak through a tampon/pad combination within an hour. The pain would be so bad that I had to take a heating pad to work because I was unable to call in sick. In the 2 years prior to the NovaSure, I had 2 D&C/Hysteroscopy procedures to remove fibroids. Neither one of those procedures lasted very long at all and soon after, I was back to the heavy painful periods.
I finally decided to go with the NovaSure. My OB/GYN had done many of these and was very familiar with the procedure. I had another D&C and hysteroscopy immediately before the NoveSure because the fibroids had come back. My NovaSure was done in a surgery center and I was put under anesthesia. (I do not recommend having this done in your doctors office!). The procedure lasted only about 10 minutes and I went home an hour later. I had the procedure done on Friday and was able to go back to work on Monday because the pain and discharge were minimal.
Following the procedure, I had cramping around the time I would normally have my period but no bleeding and no discharge. After a year, everything is great and I rarely even get the cramping anymore. I am extremely happy that I had this done and would do it again in a heartbeat.
Ladies, please do your research before having any procedure done. Make sure your doctor has done it many times and is familiar with the procedure. See if you can get references from your doctor from others who have had it done (yes, my doctor offered me references).
Make sure they use a surgery center or hospital, and not the office. And make sure that your doctor fully and completely explains the procedure and the risks associated with it.
For those who want to go straight to a hysterectomy, depending on full or partial, you could be laid up and out of work for up to 6 weeks (or more) following that major surgery, There are way more complications to this than there is with the ablation, including prolapsed bladder! Remember, everything that holds your bladder in place is being removed. Please think twice and do your research before choosing hysterectomy over NovaSure.
If anyone in the St Louis area is thinking of getting the ablation, I highly recommend Dr. Stephen A Boveri, or his brother Dr. Lawrence Boveri. Their practice is County Obstetrics and Gynecology, located in Fenton, MO
My integrity test failed causing a bowel perforation. FYI.
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I too suffered after having after having "NOVASURE" I suffered months. Ultrasound did"nt pick up about what I feel that happenned. My cervix grew together and at the same time blood was backing up behind my cerivx. I asked the Obgyn Dr. where"s all the blood going? He said your ovaries are swimming in it.I sufferred many months waiting to get a hysterectomy which has destroyed my life;also when hysterectomy was being done I almost hemmoraged to death.I was'nt told from any dr. I found that out on my own!
Thanks to all for sharing your experiences with NovaSure procedure. I was scheduled to have this procedure done on Monday, Feb 4, 2013 and decided against it after reading the blogger. My periods are not that bad considering the comments I'm hearing of others' menstrual cycles. I have a normal period. It lasts a little longer than I would like (7 days), but only heavy two days. I don't have to use both pad and tampon. I don't have cramping, migraines or anything to that nature. I guess I was really going to proceed with the NovaSure because I am slightly anemic. After reading these comments, I will change my diet to add more foods with iron to combat the anemia. I had a few friends get this done and swear by it. That is another one of the reasons I was considering having it done. I am almost 46 years of age and will soon be going through menopause. I will wait then to have no periods. Let nature take its course. I'm so sorry to all of the women who've had such bad experiences with this procedure. I do appreciate you taking the time to share with others, like myself, that's considering having this done. Thanks to you ladies, I have decided against it.
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January 6, 2013: My mistake in trusting my GYN made me another victim of the "90 Second" procedure and physician error, mere hours after returning home from a 'routine' D&C and Novasure Ablation. Almost lost my life from sepsis. Suffered severe low blood pressure (61/43) and drop in hemoglobin to 6.1, and endured multiple exploratory tests before abdominal surgery and 7 day hospitalization. Tell all of your friends, female AND male, about the harm that is caused by this procedure and poorly trained physicians! I terribly regret not finding this blog until after my botched procedure!
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